Alberg, Irina | Prof. Dr. Zentel, Rudolf Website | Polymersome as drug delivery systems and their interaction with plasmaproteins |
Attariya, Riem | Prof. Dr. Edgar Schmitt Website | Verwendung von Tumor-assoziiertem Mucin 1 zur Generierung von Anti-Tumor-Vakzinen und monoklo-nalen Antikörper-Derivaten als Basis für Therapie und Diagnostik von Brustkrebs |
Bauer, Tobias | Dr. Barz, Matthias Website | From Novel Concepts for Directed Self-Assembly of Polypept(o)ides to Combination Therapies |
Becker, Eyleen | Prof. Dr. Frey, Holger Website | Polyether-based polymersomes as degradable nanocarriers for drug delivery |
Brückner, Maximilian | Prof. Dr. Volker Mailänder Website | Funktionalisierung von Nanocarriern mit Antikörpern und -Derivaten |
Capelôa, Leon | Dr. Barz, Matthias Website | Polypept(o)idic Delivery Systems for Hydrophilic Therapeutics |
Czysch, Christian | Prof. Dr. Tanja, Weil Website | Functional Polycarbonate Polymers for Drug Delivery |
da Costa Marques, Richard | Prof. Dr. Volker Mailänder Website | Intracellular Trafficking of Nanoparticles |
Deuker, Mareika | Prof. Dr. Landfester, Katharina Website | Interaction of nanocarriers with anti-PEG antibodies |
Fittler, Frederic | Prof. Dr. Stefan Grabbe Website | Entwicklung von dendritische Zellen adressierenden DNA-Vakzinen zur Induktion von anti-Tumorantworten |
Frey, Marie-Luise | Prof. Dr. Landfester, Katharina Website | IL-2 functionalized nanocapsules |
Fritz, Thomas | Prof. Dr. Helm, Mark Website | In vitro fate of novel sterically stabilized liposomes for aptamer-directed targeting |
Giardino, Mariacristina | Prof. Dr. Schuppan, Detlef Website | In vivo gene silencing by innovative siRNA-nanoparticles to treat inflammation and fibrosis in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis |
Haller, Adelina | Prof. Dr. Volker Mailänder Website | Proteins on nanocarriers: from stealth effect to effective targeting in vivo |
Heck, Alina Gabriela | Prof. Dr. Tanja, Weil Website | pH-reversible, Nanogel-mediated Immunodrug Delivery |
Heidary Fard, Liya | Dr. Matthias Barz Website | Synthese, Charakterisierung und biologische Evaluation Polypept(o)id-basierter mRNA-Vakzinen |
Hellmuth, Isabel | Prof. Dr. Helm, Mark Website | Nucleoside modification & incorporation into therapeutic RNA |
Hobernik, Dominika | Dr. Matthias Bros Website | Induction of anti-tumor responses in the melanoma model by DC-specific polyplexes using DNA vaccination that is activated in DC specifically |
Holm, Regina | Dr. Barz, Matthias Website | Controlled synthesis of polypept(o)idic architectures |
Hüppe, Natkritta | Prof. Dr. Landfester, Katharina Website | Carbohaydrate-based Nanocarriers for targeted drug delivery |
Huppertsberg, Anne | Dr. Nuhn, Lutz Website | Reprogramming tumor-associated macrophages in cancer immunotherapy through bisphosphonate-loaded squarogels |
Johann, Kerstin | Dr. Barz, Matthias Website | Functional Polypept(o)ides for Imaging and Therapy |
Kammer, Lisa Marie | Prof. Dr. Opatz, Till Website | Entwicklung Photoredox katalysierter Reaktionen zur C-X Bindungsknüpfung |
Kappel, Cinja | Prof. Dr. Grabbe, Stephan Website | Vaccination of dendritic cells (DC) with DC-addressing nanoparticles to induce antigen specific anti-tumor response in the melanoma model |
Kaps, Leonard | Prof. Dr. Detlef Schuppan Website | In vivo gene silencing with highly innovative nanoparticles for liver fibrosis therapy |
Klasen, Benedikt | Prof. Dr. Frank Rösch Website | Radiomarkierung monoklonaler Antikörper und deren in vitro- und in vivo-Evaluierung für die Anwendung in der Immuno-PET |
Komforth, Patric | Dr. Nuhn, Lutz Website | Redox-responsive depolymerizable Polycarbonates |
Kramer, Stefan | Prof. Dr. Zentel, Rudolf Website | HPMA- based amphiphilic blockcopolymers for core-crosslinked micelles for DC activation |
Krumb, Matthias | Prof. Dr. Opatz, Till Website | New Methods for the synthesis of complex carbohydrate motifs for cell targeting |
Lahnif, Hanane | Prof. Dr. Frank Rösch Website | Entwicklung und Evaluierung von neuen niedermolekularen Arzneistoffkonjugaten zur Behandlung von Prostatakarzinomen |
Leber, Nadine | Prof. Dr. Zentel, Rudolf Website | Stimuli responsive cationic nanohydrogels for siRNA delivery |
Leps, Chrstian | Prof. Dr. Tenzer, Stefan Website | Proteine auf Nanocarriern: vom Stealth Effekt zu einem gezielten Targeting in vivo |
Medina-Montano, Carolina | Prof. Dr. Grabbe, Stephan Website | Vaccination of dendritic cells (DC) with DC-addressing nanoparticles to induce antigen specific anti-tumor response in the melanoma model |
Muhl, Christian | Dr. Barz, Matthias Website | Amphiphilic polypept(o)ides based on reactive amino acids |
Ose, Robert | Prof. Dr. Helmut Jonuleit | Multifunktionale, RNA-beladene Nanopartikel zur transienten Inhibierung regulatorischer T-Zellen |
Ritt, Nicolas | Prof. Dr. Zentel, Rudolf Website | Funktionelle Block-Copolymere zum Transport von Nucleinsäuren |
Rizzelli, Silvia | Prof. Dr. Zentel, Rudolf Website | Polymere für Träger zum Transport von Wirkstoffen |
Schäfer, Olga | Dr. Matthias Barz Website | Computer simulations of plasma protein adsorption to nanoparticle surfaces |
Schäfer, Timo | Prof. Dr. Schmid, Friederike Website | S-Thiosulfonyl-L-cysteine and its application in NanoPeptoGels for siRNA delivery |
Scherger, Maximilian | Dr. Nuhn, Lutz Website | Stimuli-responsive nanocarriers for the delivery of small molecular immunomodulators |
Schlegel, Isabel | Prof. Dr. Landfester, Katharina Website | Highly efficient nanoscale contrast agents |
Schmitt, Sascha | Dr. Koynov, Kaloian Website | Polymer based systems for drug delivery studies |
Schunke, Jenny | Prof. Dr. Volker Mailänder Website | Suitability of adjuvant-loaded protein-based nanocapsules for the stimulation of dendritic cells and the induction of antigen-specific T cell responses for melanoma therapy |
Schupp, Jonathan | PD Dr. Andrea Tüttenberg Website | Generating an anti-tumor immune response by interfering with signaling pathways of immune suppressive tumor associated macrophages using RNAi and nano-sized carriers in a humanized mouse model |
Schwiertz, David | PD Dr. Matthias Barz Website | Synthese und Charakterisierung von polypept(o)iden Miktoarm-Sternpolymeren als potentielle Wirkstofftransportsysteme |
Seidl, Christine | Dr. Barz, Matthias Website | Polypept(o)ide-based cylindrical brush polymers as multifunctional nano carriers in tumor immunotherapy |
Shen, Han | Dr. Ingo Lieberwirth Website | Correlative microscopy of particle-cell interaction |
Stickdorn, Judith | Dr. Nuhn, Lutz Website | Tunable nanogels as multicomponent anti-tumor vaccines |
Straßburger, David | Prof. Dr. Pol Besenius Website | Glycopeptide-Decorated Supramolecular Polymers for the Design of Antitumor Vaccines |
Uebbing, Lukas | Prof. Dr. Langguth, Peter Website | Liposomale Freigabesysteme für mRNA Delivery |
Urschbach, Moritz | Prof. Dr. Pol Besenius Website | Glykopeptid-funktionalisierte supramolekulare Polymere zur Anwendung als Antitumorvakzine |
Voigt, Mathias | Prof. Dr. Helm, Mark Website | Targeted delivery of therapeutic cargo in stealth liposomes |
Wagener, Karolin | Prof. Dr. Rösch, Frank Website | In vivo evaluation of nanodimensional drug delivery systems via PET |
Weber, Benjamin | Dr. Barz, Matthias Website | Polypept(o)idic polymerarchitectures for vaccination in tumorimmunotherapy |
Weber, Claudia | Prof. Dr. Landfester, Katharina Website | Analysis of the protein corona using asymmetric-flow-field-flow-fractionation |
Ziller, Antje | Prof. Dr. Langguth, Peter Website | Formulation- and manufacture aspects of mRNA-containing liposomes |